You Still Look the Same reviewed in Canthius - Freehand Books

You Still Look the Same reviewed in Canthius

A huge thank-you to Natalie Hanna for her review of Farzana Doctor’s You Still Look the Same.

Her review is titled, “A Home for Displaced Feelings: Review of Farzana Doctor’s You Still Look the Same” and we highly recommend a read. It is a comprehensive journey through the collection, and pays attention to every aspect of form and content that Doctor employs in the collection.

An excerpt: “You Still Look the Same is an elegant and mighty achievement. It is irresistibly relatable, juxtaposing everyday experiences against remarkable and painful moments. Reading this book, one feels that despite what the years have wrought on the body and soul, we can still strive to hold on to the relationships that have built us, while re-examining their impact and redefining their meaning to us as we age.”

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