New Review Roundup
Atlantic Books Today reviews Catherine Cooper’s novel White Elephant:
“White Elephant is a brilliant exploration of human nature and relationships.” [more]
Anne Logan reviews Clea Young’s Teardown for her blog I’ve Read This:
“Many of Young’s stories are about this specific time in our lives; deep into marriage, but not deep enough to have a balanced perspective of parenthood within marriage. “Firestorm” is about a young married couple facing their first bout of infidelity, and as a forest fire rages just miles from them, their rage at each other seems just as dangerous. I could be reading into things here, but I suspect that Young (like myself) is just fascinated with this strange time in our lives, especially because we are experiencing it alongside many of our friends, and it is most entertaining to observe how we all deal with it.” [more]
And All Lit Up features The Weather Inside by Emily Saso for First Fiction Fridays, calling it “deliciously surreal.” [more]