Simply Unbelievable: Fresh Fiction for Unfathomable Times. With Zsuzsi Gartner, Catherine Hernandez, Mallory Tater and Doreen Vanderstoop. Moderated by Matthew J. Trafford.
In the midst of unprecedented global uncertainty, what each of us believes—about ourselves and about the systems of power we live within—can have direct and dire consequences on the way the world moves.
Join these four novelists whose work bravely contends with the contemporary crisis of credibility. A woman’s grief turns her into a magnet for dark stories—or possibly even a saint—as strangers confess their deepest secrets to her. Racialized queer people fight an oppressive regime that puts those deemed “Other” into concentration camps. The youth of an alternative community struggle to follow the rules their charismatic founder established generations ago. And a woman fights to save her family and her farm in a near-future fraught with climate calamity and disease.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Pacific
With closed-captioning. Free event but registration required. Register here.