The Toronto Entomologists’ Association publishes a newsjournal for their members: their most recent issue, Vol. 28, Iss. 2 (June 2023), features a review of Night in the World, which had author Sharon English studying and learning a lot about moths!
From the review: “I was impressed by the degree to which the book used actual Ontario settings, with extensive descriptions, and then used those settings to contribute to the plot. This is true particularly for the Toronto Islands, where the author rented retreat space for over a year as she worked on the book. The moth fieldwork is described as occurring in the Serpent Mounds area, which is a site formerly operated as a provincial park which closed in 2009 due to a decline in tourism. Nature, in general, seems to be a force for good in this book, providing inspiration and therapeutic benefit for the main characters.”
Thanks, TEA and Ontario Insects!