“A timely manifesto about old age, which Sharon Butala shows us is far more interesting than is commonly understood. Butala is a talented and original author who writes with lyric grace and a tantalizing touch of mysticism.” SUSAN SWAN author of The Dead Celebrities Club
“Sharon Butala understands our never-ending need for control of our lives. She shows us how that need becomes more pressing when we’re under attack – and then with characteristic verve she defends us. I love how forthright, personal and thoughtful Butala is in her essays. It’s a pleasure to think alongside her. I cheered, argued, learned, admired.” CONNIE GAULT author ofA Beauty
“The insight embodied in this book doesn’t come free with age, but as the payoff for decades of fine attention, of impassioned curiosity. What good fortune that Sharon Butala commands an artistry capable of delivering this incredible bounty to us. There’s a candour and authenticity here of which one only hopes to be worthy.” JOHN GOULD author of The End of Me